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How to migrate to canada from Nigeria

Relocating to Canada from Nigeria has been a topic of conversation since it provides many people with several possibilities.

Canada has unveiled a historic Immigration Levels Plan 2021-2023, under which the nation would accept nearly 400,000 immigrants each year.

It is crucial to remember, however, that many people who have migrated to Canada have cautioned that one must be certain before commencing the process.

There are two options for getting from Nigeria to Canada. Which are,  Express Entry and the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).

Canada is a federal nation that consists of ten provinces and three territories. The PNP is run by eleven of these jurisdictions.

Nigerians are increasingly moving to Canada as temporary residents before becoming permanent residents. When applying from Nigeria, this is a common path for people who do not instantly qualify for permanent residency.

Temporary residency in Canada counts toward a permanent residence application.

The following are the actions that must be taken:

Provincial Nominee program

The Provincial Nominee Program focuses on persons who have the education, skills, and job experience to contribute to the economy of a certain province.

Graduates, semi-skilled, and skilled employees are targeted by the initiative. Each province has designated streams to suit the demands of respective labor markets, which often target certain groups of individuals.

The Provincial Nominee Program permits various provinces in Canada to nominate people who want to settle in their province. The initiative strives to improve the country’s overall distribution of immigrants.

To be eligible for the Provincial Nominee Program, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Immigrants must apply for nomination to the province in which they want to dwell.
  2. To be nominated by the Province, immigrants must have the requisite skills, credentials, and work experience.
  3. Once authorized by the Province, candidates should apply to the federal government for Canadian permanent residence status.

Express Entry System

The Canadian government established the Express Entry System to solve labor market shortages in the economy.

The expedited entry system comprises of immigration options that allow skilled applicants to go to Canada and become permanent citizens.

The system provides the following government programs for skilled or experienced workers:

1.Federal Skilled trades Program is designed for individuals who are qualified and skilled in certain trades.

  1. Federal Skilled Worker Program for qualified individuals with a minimum of one year of work experience.
  2. Knowledge about Canada Candidates who have worked in specified vocations in Canada for at least one year are eligible for this class.

The following are the actions to take in the express entrance program:

  1. Creating an Express Entry Profile: Interested applicants must create an online profile and apply via the Express Entry System.

Typically, applicants are rated or scored using a system known as the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS).

The Comprehensive Ranking System is a point-based system that assigns points to profiles that meet certain criteria, which include:

– The age

– Skills

– English and French competency as a Canadian language benchmark

– Previous Work Experience

– Educational Level

– Provincial Nomination

– A relative who lives in Canada

– Submitting papers from the document checklist: A document checklist is a list of the documents that must be submitted together with the online application.

Among the documents are:

– Certificate of Birth

– If married, a marriage certificate

– Language test scores obtained from recognized English assessments such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).

– Documents pertaining to work experience, such as reference letters and employment letters.

– Medical documentation

– Education Credential Assessment report and copies of certificates for international credentials.

— A valid passport or travel document

Candidates with high profiles, as determined by the Comprehensive Ranking System, are invited to apply for permanent residence in Canada.

Immigration may be a difficult experience, but with the right measures and prior planning, you can make the process go more smoothly.

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